Vic Moraga, solo, duo, The Moraga Band

by Vic Moraga

Vic Moraga

Vic Moraga

I am an accomplished vocalist, virtuoso guitarist, and a multi-award winning songwriter. I tour regularly as a soloist, with The Moraga Duo, and The Moraga Band.
We carry a 1000 + songbook covering most styles of popular music, jazz and blues, r/b, c/w, r/r, classic to current artists,Reggae,contemporary, instrumentals,dance,and requests are our specialty!
We also offer a 100 + song list of Latin fused World music, Flamenco, Classical, and more.
We have Wedding and Bar Mitzva music.
I have a 100 + song list of award winning original music.
We travel, we have a selection of PA options and lighting.

Comments for Vic Moraga, solo, duo, The Moraga Band

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Nov 11, 2015
by: Andrew S. Bastian

Vic Moraga, solo, duo of The Moraga Band. Hope you are doing great. You are such a wonderful and talented guitarist. Its really good reading about you. Try editing services It has music industry as a big separate topic of discussion. In which different types of music and musicians are discussed and you can be one of those under discussion. So more people may reach to you.

Sep 20, 2015
by: Client

Vic Moraga gives a great performance, we highly recommend his talents, skill as a vocalist, and as a guitarist, band leader; professionalism, and an excellent variety of music. Outstanding.

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