Mystical Table Rock Beach

by RiverBoatQueen
(Dana Point, CA)

Nobody knows about this beach. Most people stumble upon it and after descending a hundred stairs or so, and the vivid blue/sage waves captivate every living soul who ventures all the way down to the water. It is beautiful down there!!! But please don't go swimming out on those breakers! There are strong rip tides and under tows that can take a hold of you and pull you out fast to the open ocean! Only the strongest swimmers can survive out there. Most folks who visit Tablerock only go once, because there are no bathrooms whatsoever at Tablerock beach. There are no showers. There are no concession stands. No Hawaiian shaved ice.
You can get all those amenities at the beach up the road, Aliso Beach.
As for mystic, wild and pure natural beauty, Tablerock cannot be topped.
But leave your iced water jugs and foods up in your car. You won't be able to last a super long time without a bathroom!

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